Do You Know Who His Mom is…

Sometimes, it just takes the right words to spur you back in to action… and here I am, I am back. It’s been awhile, I know, I have missed sharing quite a bit this last year and what has been going on with Matthew being away at school. I apologize for that, I let other things get in the way. More on that in later posts. Back to those words… What were those words, you ask? It was THE BEST compliment I could EVER receive… “Do you know who his mom is?” Someone shared with me a part of their conversation they had about Matthew, to that person I say thank you! That means I am doing something right.

As you have read before, I am a fighter, I don’t need to share that again. More importantly I believe in doing what’s right. Making others do what’s right. If you want something go get it, do you need help going after what you want? THAT. IS. OKAY!!!  Everyone needs a little help sometimes, you want to do something, I want to help you do that, I am not going to do it for you, but I will help you. I have always believed in the statement “if there is a will, there is a way” I do that for Matthew and because I do, he is very happy right where he wants to be at the University of the Ozarks. Okay, he will be in 10 days, when I take him back. I want to do that for you, for your child(ren), to help them gain the knowledge to help themselves.

I have had a lot of negative and positive experiences in my life, I learn from them, sometimes it takes more than once, but I learn. My mission and passion in life is to share that knowledge now. I want to be better here, sharing through my blogs and other posts, get back to my original idea for this site. Share my knowledge and experiences. To remind people good can happen for us and our kids, it takes courage, strength and a lot of determination to keep on, keeping on. Yes, I get tired, yes, I have moments of doubt and fear, but then I remember who I am… do you know who I am… I am Matthew John’s mom and damn proud!

Back to work… More to come… #AutismAcceptanceIn2020